Why product management is the most important role in any organization?
It doesn’t matter how good your company’s Sales team is. It doesn’t matter if you have the best Engineering and Customer Service.
Because, if you don’t have a best-selling product — you don’t have a company.
Product Management holds a constantly shifting and evolving role in the most successful businesses. The fast-growing nature of technology usage in company processes demands that good Product Management grows right along with the technology to stay relevant and successful.
Product Management can bring the many departments of your company together to focus on what we’re all here for in the first place: the product.
Product Management’s main focus is product success.
A good Product Manager is the “go-between” for your company, making sure that the many departments all stay on track to make your products the best they can be for your business goals and your customers.
And that means improved profits and happier customers
Product Management, in a nutshell, is the art of creating a product that will delight people by solving their problems in unexpected ways