Case Study: UX review of health-tech app

Muhammad Zohaib
5 min readMar 3, 2022


I reviewed the Health-tech Startup named Ailaaj App, as health is the prime concern for patients/users so I tried to make user journey much smoother and provided them with enough details in order to trust the app which in result will surely provide the user motivation and ability to convert.

Customer Personas
Persona Example

Data Collection:
1: Interviews with customers (1:1 & focus group)
2: Play store Reviews
3:Competitive Analysis

1:Home Page Screen

Home Page Screen


· Notifications should be on the top right corner by
displaying only the icon of notification , notification
doesn’t lies in hierarchy level with Instant Doctor ,
Find a Doctor and lab Test

· Instant Doctor font is very small , it should made large
and visible and red color in instant doctor is not visible
to user ,other color with better contrast should be used

· Text alignment “Find of doctor” should be left aligned
properly with description font little smaller as it
creating extra space below icon

· There should be more white space between
Find a doctor , My Lab reports and Instant doctor

· On Home Page there should be an emergency button ,
on that ambulance and other health services can be
contacted instantly as per user location

· Live chat feature should be integrated in app so that
customer can easily contact support

Home page is of prime importance for user , it’s the first touch point of user after activation user lands on Home Page , Home Screen should provide user with motivation and ability to create a trigger in his behavior so that user converts.

2:Find A Doctor Screen

Ailaaj Original Screen

Find a doctor Original Screen

Recommended Screen

Find a doctor Recommended Screen

· -Basic Filters must be one the initial screen of Ailaaj App like on recommend Screen
“Most Experienced” , “Available Today” , “Online Now” with other drop down options “Location” & “Hospital”
In Recommended Screen it’s on 3 lines but for app it should be horizontally. These filters will make user accessibility much easir and will provide user control and freedom.

· Now Coming on Doctors who are visible on Screen , These doctors as you can see on Original Screen has very less data which is not sufficient to convert the user. All important and concerned data should be visible on doctor , as shown in recommended screen. If you provide user with enough data , it will build user confidence will convert it.

· On the top of that PMC verified should on the initial page as shown in Recommend Screen not inside as PMC verification is critical regarding doctors authenticity.

· Book Appointment should be on initial page as well ,in order to make user journey smoother and easier

3:Doctor Booking Screen

If Ailaaj is only tele-health why in Doctor Booking it showing physical locations of doctor , if yes Ailaaj wants to add physical consultation as well, it should be added on “Find A Doctor” Initial booking

Ailaaj App Original Screen

Appointment Original Screen

Recommended Screen

Appointment Recommended Screen

· Two options “Video Consultation” & “Book Appointment” and when person clicks on book appointment then your original screen of having physical locations of clinics / hospitals popup appears

· Same Screen should be visible for subscribed and non subscribed user, if non subscribed user wants to book appointment for certain doctor, he/she should have information of all coming days & doctor.

· For Booking Screen User should have option to select date which is currently not available in Ailaaj App , user must have control and freedom and other part is suggestion , If Ailaaj can limit time slots on 2 lines and rest presented horizontally so that it takes minimal space on screen and user will have less cognitive overload

Recommended Screen

Booking Slot Recommended Screen

4:Filter /Search Page

· When user click on Search bar as shown in Recommended Screen of “Find a Doctor” , following screen should appear with more visuals , as per human psychology human scan rather read

· User can search anything , disease , doctor , specialty, service and the following results will appear

· Recent Searches should be added so that user can easily search using his history

· Specialty is of prime importance to user so that’s why there should be separate screen because mostly people want to get checked from specialist of the respective disease, each specialty will have visual too along side text.

Recommended Screen

Filter , Search Recommended Screen

5:Other Recommendations

A:Lab Appointment

· User should be able to book the appointment of labs as well. User should have both options to book appointment for physical lab or collecting of tests from home

B:User/Patient Record

· My Lab Reports Section , can be changed into Patient/User Record section where My Lab Report can be a sub category .

· In User Record section , user can upload any medical document.

· User Record section can be further divided into
Prescriptions , Checkups (B.P , Fever, Pulse Rate e.t.c) , Lab reports e.t.c , there should be other category if any sub category doesn’t align with user document

· My lab reports should get automatically linked to those labs which are on-boarded with Ailaaj , once user get tested from those labs , lab reports should appears in My lab reports section

C:Reminder for patients

· Patient can add medicines , doctor appointments,lab tests in reminder section(Just like calendar reminder but with medical subcategories & priorities). User gets notifications accordingly


· In payments method Master Card , Easypaisa should be added.

· In Payments page page Add Payment method can be on top with options listed below
Visa Crad, Jazz Cash, Promo Code , rather than Add payment method on bottom

· When user click on Add Visa Card , popup appears to write card details on the same screen to make user journey smoother with less steps.

Recommended Screen

Add payments Recommended Screen



Muhammad Zohaib
Muhammad Zohaib

Written by Muhammad Zohaib

Senior Product Manager with passion for product ,business & tech. At the core of my heart there’s a desire to make someone’s life easier & simpler.

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